
143 Ways That Your Jira Server Could Jeopardize Your Business

Written by Kyle Moseley | Jul 28, 2023 4:16:40 AM

Co-authored by Vish Reddy from Revyz and Kyle Moseley from Blue Ridge Consultants.

Jira and Confluence are popular tools for issue tracking and collaboration. Atlassian, the company that makes them, has announced that they will stop supporting the Server versions of these applications in 2024. The cessation of support not only means that there will be no new features added, it also means that Atlassian will no longer fix any security flaws or issues that leave your data and your business exposed.

There have been many documented security vulnerabilities found in Jira and Confluence software over the years. These vulnerabilities range from minor to critical and some, could be used by attackers to access sensitive data or disrupt business operations. 

It is important to take action and address any vulnerabilities in your Jira and Confluence Server instances before they reach end of life in 2024. Failing to do so could put your business at risk.

The Rise of the Vulnerability Miner

This rise in both frequency and sophistication, has dramatically increased the risks to businesses who have software with un-patched systems.

What are Jira and Confluence Vulnerabilities?

A Common Vulnerability and Exposure, or CVE, refers to a security flaw in any software that attackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access to your application. In Jira or Confluence Server, vulnerabilities can come into existence through various means, including:

  • Software bugs: Due to the complexity of Jira or Confluence Server software, there is a possibility that bugs may creep into the code during development or maintenance.
  • Configuration errors: Improper configuration of Jira or Confluence Server could create vulnerabilities, making it susceptible to attacks.
  • Third-party plugins: Jira or Confluence Server allows the addition of third-party plugins, but some of these plugins may also introduce security vulnerabilities.

The risks posed by Jira & Confluence Server vulnerabilities

Exploiting a vulnerability in Jira or Confluence Server software could have serious consequences. Attackers could potentially access sensitive data, such as customer records, financial information, or intellectual property stored in these applications. They might also disrupt business operations by tampering with data or even taking down the entire application.

Besides the risks to data and operations, these vulnerabilities could harm your reputation. If your customers or partners discover that your Jira and/or Confluence Server instance has been compromised, it may erode their trust in your organization.

For reference, Atlassian's product portfolio has had 414 vulnerabilities reported in the past 10 years. You can find more details here:

Of the 414, 143 of them are attributed to Jira alone


How to address Jira or Confluence Server vulnerabilities

To address Jira and Confluence Server vulnerabilities, you can take several steps:


  • Keep your software up to date: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Jira and Confluence Server with all the necessary patches applied.
  • Securely configure Jira and Confluence Server: Take advantage of the available security settings in both applications to protect your instance from potential attacks. Proper configuration can significantly reduce your risk of compromise.
  • Be cautious with third-party plugins: Before installing any third-party plugins, thoroughly research their security to ensure they won't introduce vulnerabilities into your Jira and Confluence Server.
  • Implement a vulnerability management program: Having a vulnerability management program in place will help you identify and address any vulnerabilities in Jira and Confluence Server promptly, thus safeguarding your business from potential risks.


Now, considering your strategic options, you have a choice between migrating to the Atlassian Cloud or moving to the Data Center versions of these applications. In this blog post, the focus will be on migrating to the Atlassian Cloud.

By following these steps and considering a strategic shift to the Atlassian Cloud, you can better protect your Jira and Confluence Server instances and enhance your overall security posture.

Migrating to the Atlassian Cloud

Migrating to the Atlassian Cloud is one of the best ways to address Jira and Confluence Server vulnerabilities. The Atlassian Cloud is a hosted version of Jira and Confluence, managed and maintained by Atlassian. With this setup, Atlassian takes care of applying security patches and keeping the Cloud environment up to date. Therefore, you can have confidence that your Jira and Confluence instances in the Cloud are protected from known vulnerabilities.

Apart from the security benefits, the Atlassian Cloud offers several other advantages over the Server version:

  • Scalability: Atlassian Cloud provides a scalable platform that can easily accommodate the growth of your business.
  • Performance: Hosted on a high-performance infrastructure, Atlassian Cloud ensures that your instance remains consistently available and responsive.
  • Ease of use: Atlassian Cloud is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for teams to quickly adapt and utilize the platform efficiently.


Jira and Confluence Server vulnerabilities pose significant risks to businesses relying on these applications. To safeguard your data, operations, and reputation from potential attacks, it's crucial to proactively address these vulnerabilities.

If you're worried about the potential risks associated with Jira and Confluence Server vulnerabilities, I strongly advise considering a migration to Atlassian Cloud. The Atlassian Cloud offers a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform that can effectively shield your business from the dangers posed by Jira Server vulnerabilities. By making this transition, you'll be taking a proactive step towards fortifying your organization's security and ensuring a safer digital environment.

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